The contest, judged by regular Tusk contributing photographer Harry Skeggs, looked for images that celebrate lions in all their glory. The competition saw almost 600 photographers submitting close to 1,000 entries, with over 55,000 votes. The winner of the expert-judged category was Jaydeep Patil’s ‘Bolt’ (above). The crowd vote category was won by David Atkinson with ‘Lion cub having a drink’ (below).
Harry Skeggs said of Patil’s image: “Successful wildlife photos are ones that force audiences to engage with the subject, and it’s that which makes this photo a worthy winner. The inescapable eye contact is mesmerizing and the low, upward angle helps emphasise and exaggerate the size of this apex predator to heighten the impact. The timing is brilliant, with the outstretched paw creating a sense of movement and dynamism, subconsciously making the viewer want to take a step back, away from the advancing subject. The centrally weighted composition works well in this scenario as the momentum is out towards the audience and helps create a balanced and forceful photo. A lot to like here, and a very competent image indeed, well done.”
Each winner receives a copy of Tusk-affiliated photographer David Yarrow’s acclaimed ‘Wild Encounters’ book.
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